"Consequently, you are no longer foreigners and aliens, but fellow citizens with Gods people and members of God's household, built on the foundation of the apostles and prophets, with Christ Jesus himself as the chief cornerstone."
A few of you may be old enough to remember Shirley Temple movies. Of course you always had Shirley Temple being cute, and then some tragedy would happen and then a nice couple would make it all right in the end. A common scene, especially during the depression, was that of the waif child, nose against the window, staring into a toy shop or restaurant at all the kids playing with toys or eating a hot meal. That is the image that Paul paints of us before Christ's death on the cross. We were outsiders who could only press our noses to the window of God's grace and promises, but all the while separated from him.
The world at that time was just as segregated as it is today. The rich didn't care for the poor, men had the advantage in all situations over women, slaves had no voice before their masters. Yet above all these prejudices was that of the Jew and Gentile. The enmity between these two groups was legendary. There was no greater prejudice then the hatred these two groups felt for one another. And yet somehow in the grace of God given us through the cross of Christ, these two found common ground. As Paul would tell us in Romans, we are all sinners, and we are all justified freely through faith in Christ.
When we look at others, and make judgement's about their worth to God, just remember in Christ we are all members of the same family, parts of the same body. We are one in the Spirit.
A few of you may be old enough to remember Shirley Temple movies. Of course you always had Shirley Temple being cute, and then some tragedy would happen and then a nice couple would make it all right in the end. A common scene, especially during the depression, was that of the waif child, nose against the window, staring into a toy shop or restaurant at all the kids playing with toys or eating a hot meal. That is the image that Paul paints of us before Christ's death on the cross. We were outsiders who could only press our noses to the window of God's grace and promises, but all the while separated from him.
The world at that time was just as segregated as it is today. The rich didn't care for the poor, men had the advantage in all situations over women, slaves had no voice before their masters. Yet above all these prejudices was that of the Jew and Gentile. The enmity between these two groups was legendary. There was no greater prejudice then the hatred these two groups felt for one another. And yet somehow in the grace of God given us through the cross of Christ, these two found common ground. As Paul would tell us in Romans, we are all sinners, and we are all justified freely through faith in Christ.
When we look at others, and make judgement's about their worth to God, just remember in Christ we are all members of the same family, parts of the same body. We are one in the Spirit.