"For all scripture is God-breathed and is useful for teaching, rebuking, correcting and training in righteousness, so that the man of God may be thoroughly equipped for every good work." - II Timothy 3:16, 17
Paul, the apostle, is writing to Timothy his young protégé, and this is really a good-bye letter. Paul knows his time is short and is both challenging and encouraging Timothy to carry on the work of the gospel. Paul reassures Timothy that his life is built on a solid foundation in the holy Scripture. Paul reminds Timothy that scripture didn't come from men's ideas, but was given to us by God. The purpose of scripture is to teach and guide us in all things.
Too often in our lives we go looking for answers from everywhere but the one place we should. Scripture has a lot to teach us, a lot to show us and to give us direction. But it can't do that if we leave it setting on the shelf gathering dust.
When you wonder what good the Bible is remember this verse, it is good for everything we need to be equipped to carry out God's will in our lives. So taking time to study, learn and apply what it says is of great importance to us (or at least it should be).
Paul, the apostle, is writing to Timothy his young protégé, and this is really a good-bye letter. Paul knows his time is short and is both challenging and encouraging Timothy to carry on the work of the gospel. Paul reassures Timothy that his life is built on a solid foundation in the holy Scripture. Paul reminds Timothy that scripture didn't come from men's ideas, but was given to us by God. The purpose of scripture is to teach and guide us in all things.
Too often in our lives we go looking for answers from everywhere but the one place we should. Scripture has a lot to teach us, a lot to show us and to give us direction. But it can't do that if we leave it setting on the shelf gathering dust.
When you wonder what good the Bible is remember this verse, it is good for everything we need to be equipped to carry out God's will in our lives. So taking time to study, learn and apply what it says is of great importance to us (or at least it should be).