What does it mean to age with grace? For some it is to accept what comes with getting older, as the preschooler accepts they now have to attend school five days a week as they get older, or for the senior that moving isn’t pain free anymore. Some find that with age comes some perks, senior coffee at McDonald’s or learning important life lessons. As Christians aging with grace is to learn more and more that we aren’t living this life on our own. We must rely on God every step of the way. In adolescence we need to learn that our identity comes not from our attributes, but as we find our identity in Christ. In young adulthood as we establish relationships and careers we must rely on God to give us our worth not the world around us. As we age it seems once we solve one set of problems another set comes right behind each with its own challenges. But in Christ we have the grace to face each challenge, each new set of problems.
There is never a time in life when we are either too young for God’s grace or too old for God’s grace. When Paul prayed for relief from his thorn in the flesh God’s answer was “my grace is sufficient for you.” Paul felt this was a game changer, how much more he could do for God, if God would just take this thorn away. But God wanted Paul to understand that it wasn’t Paul’s thorn that held him back or the absence of it that would make him do great things. It was God and his grace, but Paul needed to learn to trust God and his grace. That’s a lesson that often takes aging to understand. I think Bro. Dodson is someone who can convey that message and help us to grow and understand; after all he’s in the same boat with us. So plan now to join us March 26 -28 for Aging With Grace.