Another big difference in the lists is how those activities make me feel. The "have to's" leave me drained and weary. They can take all the joy out of my day. Is that how Jesus makes you feel? If so there is something wrong in our relationship with him. Things on my "want-to" list often energize me, they put a lift in my step and joy in my day. I'm not saying we throw out all our hobbies and times of relaxing. But Jesus should be a big part of that list, and a part of everything we do.
Every day when I wake up before too much time has passed I inevitably ask myself, "What do I have to do today?" That isn't the same as asking myself what do I want to do, and too often the "have to" list seems a mile long and the "want to" list is just out of reach. Now usually life isn't that bleak, but it brings up the point that our "have to" lists can just suck the air out of our lives. Now the question I need to ask myself, and each of us needs to ask, is which list is Jesus on? Is my time with him a "have to" or a "want to" ? Do I wake up on Sunday's and think, "Oh, I have to go to church today." or "Oh, I get to go to church today." Time in prayer, reading the Bible, sharing Jesus with others, which list is those items on?
Another big difference in the lists is how those activities make me feel. The "have to's" leave me drained and weary. They can take all the joy out of my day. Is that how Jesus makes you feel? If so there is something wrong in our relationship with him. Things on my "want-to" list often energize me, they put a lift in my step and joy in my day. I'm not saying we throw out all our hobbies and times of relaxing. But Jesus should be a big part of that list, and a part of everything we do.
Sunday we pause to give honor to whom honor is due, our mothers. Moms are often those who stand by you and believe in you when no one else does. In a world where we daily meet criticism of everything we do or think, having someone who lets us know that there is nothing we can do to make them not love us is pretty special. Mary took on the task of bringing the Messiah into the world, God in the flesh. She saw wonders from the day he was born, and took it all in stride. Scripture said of the message of the shepherds on the night of his birth that Mary treasured all these things up in her heart. I'm sure by the time of his crucifixion her heart was full, and now even now she was standing by his side. When all the big strong men were running and hiding, the women with only John gathered at the foot of the cross. That is a mother's love. Now times that by a hundred or more and imagine what God feels toward us. He not only watched his son die for us, he sent him for that very purpose. Doing what needs to be done, no matter the cost is a mom-thing. Your life began with her walking through the valley of the shadow of death to bring you into this world. She didn't stop there but continued to sacrifice, often her own needs, to see that yours were met. We may look at God as one who demands and demands, but on closer look he is the one who gives and gives. |
AuthorSkip Roten Archives
May 2024
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