Usually in the long run all those questions get answered. Some in ways I could never have imagined, some are still works in progress (but aren’t we all). And still my greatest hopes and fears, my source of pride, comes from those who call me father. Have I always earned or been worthy of that love? No. Have I wanted to be, absolutely! It is in such relationships - father, mother, husband, wife, child - that God teaches us about him, his nature and the relationship he desires with us. Jesus tells us in Matthew 7:11 that if we earthly fathers know how to give good things to our children, how much more our heavenly Father knows how to give us what we really need.
It is amazing and humbling to think that the creator of the universe desires to look after me. He wants good for me just as I want good for my children. The difference is I’m guessing at what they need, and then can only provide a small part of that. God knows what we need and has the power to supply it. But just as with us earthly fathers, kids don’t always listen and often think they know what’s best. And like an earthly father there are times when God sits back and says, “Well, let’s see how this goes.” But God never turns his back on his children. Time and time again in the Old Testament in the prophets we see judgment and punishment from the Father upon the children. Yet every time we also see the message of hope, love and forgiveness. Many times God said my anger will not last forever, and I will turn again to you to heal and restore you.
It is awesome and scary to be a father, but it is also the greatest blessing. It is also nice to know that I too have a heavenly Father who loves me and has hopes and dreams for me.