Thanksgiving, the act of being thankful is also very healthy for us. Too often we focus on what we don’t have. That in turn leads to a negative view of life and depression. And for most of us the reality is we have all we really need and plenty besides. In giving thanks I acknowledge the positives, all that I do have. Thinking about what I have, especially when I realize there are others less well off, can also motivate me to be more aware of the needs of others and to be more giving. This is another area where we know there are positive consequences for our mental health. When we share, contribute to the welfare of others, we feel better, our self-esteem goes up. Ultimately people, who are self-absorbed and only worry about themselves and their problems, have a reduction in self-worth.
So count your many blessings, name them one by one. And it will surprise you what the Lord hath done.