Bob and Wanda have not only attended our church for the past several years, they have been a big part of it. Bob has served in many capacities as teacher, minister and deacon. Both Joe Kyle and I relied on Bob to step in to preach or teach at a moment’s notice, always knowing that he would do an excellent job. Bob was a tireless student of the Bible, very well read. He didn’t feel comfortable with the title of elder, but in truth he functioned in that office. Wanda is the perfect helpmate, serving alongside of Bob. She served in many ways herself, encouraging, serving and promoting the activities of the church. Together they also served behind the scene, taking meals to folks in need, often hosting folks at their house always with an eye to ministry and encouragement. We will miss the first Saturday in June, affectionately called Fishin’ Day at the Cannon’s.
If I had to summarize Bob’s main ministry in one word it would be encouragement. He was a constant source of encouragement with a firm handshake, a well thought out comment and just his smile. Both he and Wanda will be sorely missed, and will leave some big shoes to fill. We have several others who also deserve to be honored and given thanks for all they do. Take some time to think of those who keep the doors open and the lights on so to speak at our church. Don’t let the opportunity slip away to give them the honor they are due.
Bob and Wanda we give you honor and thanks, and all the love. May God bless you on the road you travel now.