One of my prayers is that Sunday mornings will be that time for you. That our worship is a time for you to feel God's spirit as a gentle breeze and your life is just that much better for it. To help make this happen there are some things that you need to bring to worship with you. Your Bible is one of the first things you need to have. With the new powerpoint tools I can show and discuss scripture right there for everyone to see. I think it means even more if you will open your own Bible and read along. You might even make a note at a certain scripture to come back too later and think about that scripture more. Bring a smile with you as well. If you don't have one when you get here, I'm sure someone else in the service would be glad to share with you theirs. I've noticed on most Sunday mornings there are plenty of smiles to go around. Most important, bring an open heart and mind. You may even wish to pray as you are coming in that God would bless you and impress on you a thought or scripture to help you in the coming week.
It may not sound like much, coming to church each Sunday, hearing the same old preacher you've heard for 26 years, but when God is the one behind the breeze, be careful, powerful things are about to happen.
See Ya Sunday! Don