Story. He would always lay out a story and then go to break with the promise of
the rest of the story. He would come back and reveal some secret to a familiar
story, a twist on history, or a surprise ending. Easter is much like that. On Friday
evening the story seems to come to a close with an unhappy ending, the death of
the hoped for Savior. We know that isn’t the end of the story. Easter morning the
surprise ending unfolds as Christ is risen from the dead. Yet we could say that that
isn’t the end, there is still more to the rest of the story.
In scripture we find the rest of the story in Acts. Luke gives us volume two.
His first work, the gospel of Luke, gives us the life of Christ. In Acts he takes us
through the first fifty years of the church. The story keeps on going with the
establishment and then persecution of the early church. We get to ride along with
Paul as he spreads the gospel often in the face of adversity. Even now we can say
the story isn’t over, we have our chapters to add. So even as we look back on a
wonderful Easter 2015, we can say the story still goes on. We need to keep going
with the message of the gospel. The story isn’t over yet.