April showers bring May flowers,
That is what they say.
But if all the showers turned to flowers,
We’d have quite a colorful day!
We all grew up hearing that saying, and literally it is true. The showers come along in spring and then from those rainy days come the beautiful flowers. We see the same principles in Christianity. James tells us to count it all joy when we face various rainy days (trials) because they bring May flowers or flowers of maturity. The writer of Hebrews tells us that as we face discipline we should see that as God treating us as loved children, in other words, it’s a good thing that God cares enough to discipline us. Most of the great characters of the Bible had their moments of showers. Moses fled after killing an Egyptian, Abraham passed his wife off as his sister to Pharaoh and David was caught red handed (and red faced) in his sin with Bathsheba. The disciples were crushed by Christ’s crucifixion.
Yet through these times of difficulty faith was perfected, endurance created and a testimony was born to the glory of God. What kind of flowers is God preparing the soil of your life for? What will the April showers bring to bloom in the May of your life?