We understand relationships here on earth. A husband who spends no time with his wife probably isn't much of a husband. A Christian who spends little time with Jesus is in the same condition. As a marriage counselor I often ask couples what's wrong and what can we do to make things better. Communication is often a key and so is commitment.
A relationship without communication is like a body without blood. There's no life in it. For couples that means literally having time together, time to talk, time to enjoy doing something together, time just being together. As Christians we communicate with Jesus through prayer and Bible study. Prayer is our time to talk with him, to tell him what's been going on in our day or just the little things that bother us. So might think that that is a trival waste of Jesus's time. Not so! That is the very life blood of a relationship. Time spent in Bible study is the primary way Jesus has to talk back to you. Sometimes he uses situations and other people to bring home a lesson to us, but that lesson never contradicts what he shares with us in His word.
Research into successful relationships tells us that the glue for keeping a marriage together for the long run is commitment. We tend to think that love is the most important thing. However love is a feeling. At first it is that feeling which draws us into a relationship with a person, why we want to know them or to be with them. But feelings are like the wind, they blow in and then they blow out again. Love as commitment hangs in there, even when the emotions have drifted off. The good news is that those same emotions also drift back in. It is the commitment that hold us together. You may have had a rush of emotions when you became a Christian and thought "Yes, this is what I've been looking for." And then when the emotional high wore off you were tempted to think that so had Jesus' love for you. Not so! He will not leave you nor forsake you. In other words Jesus is committed to you.
So how is it going with you and Jesus?