You probably haven’t been hit by an earthquake followed by a tsunami, even though you may have been hit by a hurricane followed by days of torrential rain, but maybe lately several days have ganged up on you. We need to remember the words of Isaiah 41:13, “For I am the LORD your God who takes hold of your right hand and says to you, ‘Do not fear; I will help you.” In this section of Isaiah the Lord is reassuring his people he is there for them, they don’t need to fear. He will take them by the right hand and lead them. It should be noted Isaiah wrote at a time when God and Judah (the southern Kingdom) were not on good terms and much of what Isaiah has to say is a warning. Yet even in these times God was also telling his people how much he loved them and longed for them. He was still there for them.
Too often when we are going through difficult times we see God as mad at us, mad and punishing. In reality even in these times God is loving and merciful, just when we need that the most. So when you feel like life is giving you a good thrashing, look around to see that searchlight from God. It’s there; you just have to look for it.