If you were faced with a bill to pay what would be the first impulse you would have? Most of us would run to our checkbook to see how much money we had there. But what happens when you realize your balance won’t stretch that far? Do you call your parents, your banker, or do you take a moment to say a prayer? When faced with a relationship problem do we look for a self-help book, talk to our best friend, or do we find ourselves looking at scriptures for answers? That tells us where our faith truly is.
So to say we are trusting in God means that we choose first to acknowledge that God is in control and we are trusting in our relationship with him before anything else. That doesn’t mean we don’t check the bank balance or have a good heart to heart with a close friend, but we have a foundation to stand on. Yes it’s still scary and yes I need to make plans, but know that there will be an answer. Knowing and trusting that is our testimony. Better than putting “In God We Trust” on our money is to put it in our hearts.