What lessons do we need to remember from Sunday school?
Flannel boards are cool. I know this one shows how old I am, but long before computer graphics there was the simple flannel board with cut-out characters the teacher would use to illustrate the story. In our young minds it helped us to see the story come to life. It did require a little more imagination then being able to pull up a lesson from Right now Media (don’t get me wrong, I love Right now Media) and anything that engages our brains is a good thing.
Sunday school songs rock. In church we had to sing hymns, which were kind of boring, but in Sunday school we got to sing snappy songs that even had motions to them for us to get up and move around. How cool was that. And the message of those songs often went far beyond just keeping us occupied for a few minutes in Sunday school. Jesus loves me this I know, that’s good to know even today.
David, Moses and Abraham went through some dangerous times, but God always brought them through and he would do the same for me. Jesus could do amazing things with a few loaves of bread and a couple of fish, but most of all he could do amazing things in me. And by the way God had a plan and he still does.
Sunday school isn’t just for kids. We all need to learn and relearn those lessons. As I got older and learned more about those stories from the Bible, I learned the lessons weren’t also so simple but the truths were still true. David didn’t just fight giants from without; some of his greatest giants were right inside of himself. Jonah got swallowed by the whale, not to make a fun story, but because of his stubbornness to do what God was calling him too. God loved the prodigal son, but he loved the older son too, even when the older brother didn’t think so.
There is still much to learn from Sunday school, so come out and join us at 9:45 for a cup of coffee, a donut and some great learning.