The one position that we should be ready to share, and to have a concern for where others are at, is our position before Christ. Where I stand with Him? What do I believe about Him? Who is He in my life? These questions should be in the forefront of our lives. In l Corinthians 9:19 – 23 Paul stresses that in Christ he is free, but in order to share Christ with as many as possible he made himself a slave to all men. When evangelizing the Jews, he lived under the Law. He didn’t do this for salvation, but to have the chance to talk with them and share Christ. When reaching out to those who didn’t live under the Law, us Gentiles, he lived as a Gentile even though he was under the law of Christ. He said that he became all things to all men that he might have the opportunity to save some.
Are we willing today to put aside personal positions and attitudes so that they don’t get in the way of reaching out to a group of people for Christ? We aren’t required to do this. Paul said he didn’t have to do it but voluntarily did it to win some to Christ. This goes beyond just political views, but encompasses all things. In Romans 14 Paul talks about how we should treat the ones we consider “weaker brothers”. If I use my freedom to run over them, am I being Christ to them? Of course the answer is “No”. He knew that meat offered to another god wasn’t really offered to a god since there is only one true God. But the other person, still growing in their faith, believed that meat to belong to Zeus and if anyone ate it that means they were honoring Zeus. In that case Paul says don’t eat, because it makes my brother to stumble. One brother believes one day is more holy than the others and must worship on that day, another believes all days are God’s. One Christian believes only one version of the Bible is blessed of God and another enjoys looking over different versions. One Christian may believe it is un-American to buy a certain brand of car and by extension it is un-Christian. Another may feel that has nothing to do with his relationship with Christ and just wants to find a good deal. Should they argue over that or should they question each other’s faith?
The point is my views and attitudes on issues outside of Christ should be of secondary importance when it comes to living in such a way that Christ is first and foremost what people see in my life (that even includes the Cowboys). That’s not to say we don’t have positions (Go Cowboys) but these should never be stumbling blocks in presenting Christ to the world (even Eagles’ fans need Jesus). All these things will pass with usage, but the Word of God is eternal. Live in such a way that your position on Christ is evident to all, but is always presented in love and concern for the other.